Foundations of Learning
Learning is one of the key components of a computer vision system. In these chapters, we cover the foundations of machine learning from a general perspective but explore examples using vision problems.
Chapter 9 Introduction to Learning introduces the basic principles of machine learning.
Chapter 10 Gradient-Based Learning Algorithms describes how to learn the parameters that fit a model to data.
Chapter 11 The Problem of Generalization describes the difference between fitting to training data and generalizing to test data, and the new considerations that arise given this difference.
Chapter 12 Neural Networks introduces neural networks, a general family of models common in both biological and artificial vision systems.
Chapter 13 Neural Networks as Distribution Transformers presents neural networks as functions that apply a series of geometric transformations to a data distribution.
Chapter 14 Backpropagation describes the backpropagation algorithm for calculating the gradient of a neural network with respect to its parameters.
The algorithms we will see apply to many kinds of signals, not just images. Therefore, in this part we will use \(\mathbf{x}\) to represent model inputs rather than \({\boldsymbol\ell}\). A model’s final output will usually be represented by \(\mathbf{y}\).
Neural networks consist of a sequence of layers that perform a sequence of transformations \(\mathbf{x}_0 \rightarrow \mathbf{x}_1 \rightarrow \ldots \rightarrow \mathbf{y}\). When we consider a single layer in isolation, we will generically refer to its input as \({\mathbf{x}_{\texttt{in}}}\) and its output as \({\mathbf{x}_{\texttt{out}}}\). We will also use the variables \(\mathbf{h}\) and \(\mathbf{z}\) to represent certain kinds of intermediate representations in neural nets, which will be defined when they are first used.